Tajweed has a kingly place in the learning and teaching of the Holy Quran. It directs us towards the right pronunciation of the words of Allah, and hence the real beauty and spirituality are added while reading. Knowing common mistakes and how to correct them is a real step toward improving our Tajweed.
Tajweed is extremely important to memorize and recite the Holy Quran as it was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him. There are a number of things that indicate it might be that important:
Respect GOD's Words: Tajweed enlightens and educates on how to pronounce the words in the correct manner, as intended by God, and in so doing respects and honors the Holy Quran.
Avoiding Changes in Belief: Minor errors in pronunciation can lead to a very big difference in meaning, and Tajweed saves us from such errors.
Strong Reflection and Pondering: Tajweed imbues strong meaning, thereby increasing the depth of reflection and contemplation for both the reciter and the listener of the Quran.
Preserving the Beauty of the Quran: The Holy Quran was revealed in eloquent and beautiful Arabic; Tajweed helps to preserve this beauty.
Improving Memory and Focus: Practicing Tajweed strengthens memory and enhances focus.
Coming Together of the Ummah: Tajweed brought all the Muslims together for the proper pronunciation of the Book of Almighty God, Allah SwT.
It is one of the most important rules regarding the Tajweed of the Holy Quran. The state in which the degree of linguistical un-clearness is not applied to the letter, which should be merged, then this phenomena is called Incomplete Idgham.
Examples ofIncomplete Idgham:
Idgham without sufficient nasalisation (ghunnah).
Idgham with a partial pronunciation.
How to Correct Incomplete Idgham:
Learn the rules properly.
Listen to good reciters, navigate teachers at Bedaya Academy.
Practice regularly.
Idgham is a merger of two letters to become one emphasized letter. Mistaken Idgham can be made by merging of letters that should not be merged.
Examples of Incorrect Idgham:
Merging a silent 'noon' (ن) with a letter that should not be merged.
It ignores the required merger where it should be applied.
Ways of Correcting Mistaken Idgham:
Learn the rules properly.
Listen to the expert recitations.
Continuous practice and training.
Ghunnah refers to the nasal sound that, in tajweed, is attributed to specific letters, most typically those relative to the emphasized noon ن and meem م.
Excessive Ghunnah: It is the condition wherein the duration of a nasal sound is more than it is actually required to be.
Insufficient Ghunnah: The nasal sound is not sustained for long enough.
Ghunnah Duration Adjustment Tips:
Understand the required duration.
Practice vocal exercises.
Listen to professional reciters.
Record and review your recitation.
Qalqalah is a phenomenon in Tajweed that happens when some letters, which are more known for their echoing effect, are pronounced in a state of sukoon.
Effects of Excessive Qalqalah:
Distracts the listener.
Modifies the rhythm.
Distorts the words.
How to change Qalqalah:
Understand the appropriate limit.
Listen to professional reciters.
Engage in repetitive practice.
Record and reflect on your recitations.
One of the common mistakes while reciting Holy Quran is not making a clear separation between the words.
Effects of Failure to Separate Words Clearly:
Loss of rhythm and aesthetics.
How to Improve Word Separation:
Take your time and set a comfortable, easy pace for reading.
Practice some breathing exercises.
Use recordings for review.
Focus on practicing pauses and starts.
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Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are the techniques in Tajweed that affect clarity of pronunciation and beauty in recitation, while clear separation between the words enhances the understanding of meanings and prevents confusion.
Tafkheem: The thickening of a letter to thicken it and make it heavier and deeper.
Tarqeeq: To pronounce the letter lightly and clearly.
Importance of clear separation between words:
Avoids mix-up in meanings.
Guarantees accuracy during recitation.
Improves reflection and reverence.
Some Golden Tips for the Improvement of Tafkheem, Tarqeeq, and Word Separation:
Continuous practice.
Hear out the experts.
Use visualization and audio techniques.